Friday, February 25, 2011

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The role of women in a particular period like today, including bunga-bunga and parties. A moment in which the press portrays a woman who has made a thousand steps back in time. This is the topic with Nadia Spallitta, city councilor and chairman of the Planning Commission. What do you think of the scandals that protagonists the prime minister and several young women? Honestly, I'm sorry that the press gives much space to an issue which, although shocking, is less important than other matters affecting Italian politics: corruption, cronyism, the intervention of the Mafia in public affairs. The press is distracted and is distracted by other issues of great interest as job insecurity and the minimum income guaranteed. I was shocked when I hear that in Palermo kindergartens do not have heaters for years. As for Berlusconi and his relationship with women, I find it unacceptable, provided that these facts are established as true, that a president of the Council has conducted a private area of \u200b\u200bthis type, because those employed in public should have a decent standard of living . It should give an example, instead his "character" is still some expression of sexism. What is equality of the sexes? I call it freedom. There is equality when a person, irrespective of gender, can express himself freely in both public and private sectors. And in Italy ... No. apical roles are rarely covered by women in the primary health care are very few women, health directors are almost all men and the same happens in the judiciary. But the problem is born from politics: politicians are an example for our society, politics is essential in the formation of the company, is a driving force. The subject has great political visibility. As long as the political messages of sexism and reach not implement the specific policies for women will be more la situazione. Eppure la responsabilità è anche delle donne: non hanno piena consapevolezza della loro condizione e in alcuni casi, anche a causa di sottocultura, si sottomettono, si adattano, si prestano. Altre volte le donne che hanno competenze e cognizioni e che riescono ad arrivare non fanno un lavoro di squadra, la donna non è abituata a lavorare con le altre donne. E’ su questo che dobbiamo lavorare. Quindi la donna, spesso, è nemica della donna? Si, per mia esperienza personale. Sono la prima donna ad essere presidente di una commissione consigliera, chi svolge questo ruolo cercando di affermare la legalità e la tutela del territorio subisce anche violenze, aggressività, offese, insulti e pressioni. Più volte ho expressed my suffering in this role. In these nine months I have never had support, a moment of solidarity, a formal or informal support from women associations, trade unionists, politicians. None. When I'm fighting for parks, a struggle that concerns children and mothers, I make these battles alone, and when I ask you to make free services to women such as ultrasound, there are women to support me. I hope that the lifting of certain matters changes the solidarity of women to women. And that attitude rather have my fellow men against him? In my legal profession I have never encountered discrimination, and even in daily life. Conversely, the policy environment è molto maschilista. L’approccio è volto a minimizzare la capacità della donna: è facile il complimento , la battuta, la proposta. Sta alla donna avere la capacità, la forza, la cultura per reagire e rifiutare. E’ ovvio che non tutte le donne siano attrezzate, tanto più se sono sole. Le lotte femministe del '68 in che cosa hanno cambiato la vita delle donne? Grazie a quei movimenti si è arrivati ad una trasformazione del ruolo della donna, sia nel rapportarsi con l’altro sesso sia con i genitori. Per esempio la legislazione prevedeva che la donna che si sposava perdesse la proprietà dei beni e avesse piuttosto un usufrutto sui beni che andavano al marito, fino alla riforma del diritto di famiglia avvenuta in the 70s. There was the "pater familias" decided that for his daughters and his wife, who had no voice. I really love this time of liberation genuine, spontaneous and also participated in which men have fought for the principles of parity and equality, as required by Article 3 years before our Constitution. What is it that girls today are forgetting those years and why this happens? They are forgetting a lot, and this is a consequence of degradation of ethics and politics. There is no investment in schools and culture, which is the basis of freedom and equality then. The messages delivered by the media and on television promuovono la bellezza, l’avvenenza, il consumo di beni, la felicità raggiunta attraverso il successo e la carriera e non attraverso il sapere e la conoscenza conquistati attraverso un percorso di studio ed esperienza. Quando sentiamo di donne che si prostituiscono in cambio di beni materiali o, come da ultimo, in cambio di cariche pubbliche, sempre che sia veramente accaduto, è la conseguenza di una vicenda che nasce da molto lontano. Da dove? Come dicevo dalla scuola distrutta, dai media, dalle televisioni. E a chi appartengono le televisioni? A Berlusconi.Tutto questo nasce da un conflitto d’interessi: non si può permettere ad un capo del governo di gestire contemporaneamente i suoi interessi d’imprenditore e quelli della cosa public. Berlusconi is the master of everything in Italy, his private television stations operating in the area and create the market needs, the company itself. It 'an unacceptable monopoly. The battles should not be done on the effects, but the causes. He participated in the event of 13 February? Yes, because I think it's beautiful this desire of women to participate and join together experiences, desires, demands and promote an image of a woman who is different from talking to the press in recent days. But I have demonstrated against the women who make choices that do not agree, just because I prefer the causes. There are women who find themselves in conditions in culture. What is driving more than women, and what their capabilities unexpressed? The extra gear comes from a historical fact: the man is worn by a management that has always exercised the power over time. He has already said everything, has already expressed. The women can put in the field of new resources and fresh. We had no way of expressing ourselves, and there are many things we would like to add a lot to say, so far things unsaid. The women are resourceful and imaginative, this is demonstrated by the fact that the rare times that women hold top management roles emerge and show all their skills and competence. We must fight and fight so that women can find the space in which to express and libertà di mostrare quante e quali siano le sue tante risorse.


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