Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Double D Vs C Breasts


The most important achievements of public Piero Guccione and related preparatory work will be hosted from 25 February to 18 April in the halls of the palace floor of St. Elias in Palermo for the exhibition "Piero Guccione - The monumental work" organized by the Province Regional Palermo and The Swan GG Editions, with the contribution of Fondazione Mediterraneo Rome. The exhibition opens on Friday 25 febbraio alle 20 dal Presidente della Provincia Giovanni Avanti e dall’Assessore regionale ai beni culturali e all’identità siciliana Sebastiano Missineo, alla presenza dell’artista. Un’esposizione inedita che propone circa 30 opere del maestro di Scicli fra le quali il grande olio, commissionato all’artista dall’allora presidente del Senato Marcello Pera, che campeggia nel Salone Garibaldi di Palazzo Madama a Roma, il “transatlantico” dei senatori. In mostra anche le due magnifiche pale presenti nella Cappella del Battistero di Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri a Roma, chiesa ufficiale dello Stato italiano, presentate da Antonio Paolucci, direttore dei Musei Vaticani, in occasione della loro collocazione final. It will also display the work commissioned by the Region to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the unification and independence of Italy, the largest ever created by the Sicilian, located in the hall of the Palazzo Abatellis Triumph of Death and ideal part of a path which is to connect the Palazzo Sant'Elia Sicilian Regional Gallery. The exhibition also explains how the preparatory studies Guccione comes to paint these monumental canvases. Exposed to the canvas in the Senate, for example, Guccione has used the creation of a recording on which he then battered the different variations that will deepen, and the work of building was Abatellis designed with a work on canvas, of momentum. Of particular interest is the display magnification of the places where he paints Guccione, and the artist himself, with various characters who frequent it. "An exhibition of high level - says the president Giovanni Avanti - one of the greatest interpreters of Italian painting of our time. A completely new cultural event, organized in one of the most important building St. Elias, which will appreciate in a single context of the true masterpieces of classical art with the work that preceded their implementation. An event that surely will attract the attention of critics and viewers, and once again building S'Elia as a cultural center of excellence. " Resuming didactic panels will aim to help visitors understand the choices exhibition, to learn more about the artist and underlying theoretical apparatus of its entire work and each work in context. The exhibition is curated by Francesco Gallo Mazzeo, critic and professor of art history at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome and Mario Ursino, Assistant Superintendent of the National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome. The exhibition will be open to the public until April 18 from Tuesday to Saturday from 9.30 to 13 / 16 to 19.30 - Sunday closed Monday and holidays 9.30 to 13. Free admission.


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