received 36 entries from as many names and requests for 25 rooms Travelexpo, already online in the form of Accreditation for adv E 'on line since yesterday in the form of Accreditation dedicated to travel agents to participate in the thirteenth edition of Travelexpo scheduled in Terrasini Città del Mare's 15 to 17 April 2011. In the first of its publication, the site has 80 visitors, 36 entries were received by many names and requests for 25 rooms. Like every year, in fact, the adv will enjoy the hospitality offered by Logos Communication and Image Ltd, the company that organizes the event. The free, full board, will be recognized at a single participant, for travel agent and company name, and only for one night, as the adv may choose to stay overnight on Friday 15 or Saturday, April 16. In case you wanted to enjoy both nights, the second will be borne by the travel agent. The fee for the tour is 53 €. Not being able to offer single rooms, the organization reserves the right to settle in the same room participants from different agencies. In the case where requests should exceed the availability of camere, queste verranno assegnate prioritariamente agli adv provenienti dalle regioni italiane e dalle province di Catania, Messina, Siracusa, Ragusa, Enna, Agrigento, Caltanissetta, Trapani e Palermo. Inoltre, anche quest'anno è possibile visitare Travelexpo senza pernottare. L'ingresso alla manifestazione è gratuito e rigorosamente riservato agli agenti di viaggio e agli operatori turistici. Il bottone per accedere ai form di preaccredito, sia per partecipare al solo workshop sia per la richiesta di pernottamento, si trova nell'home page del sito ufficiale di Travelexpo.
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