Alcamo (TP) 150 th Anniversary celebrations Unification of Italy - "NIGHT Tricolore "
March 16, 2011
16.00 Day Centre" A. Messana "" Poetry for Italy "presentation Prof. Robert Calia
17.00 Marconi Conference Center" Cunt stories Ass Cultural G. Canino
18.00, Cinema Esperia "WE BELIEVE" Films of Mario Martone Admission € 5.00 (reduced)
Centre at 20:00 Marconi Congress' vocal concert "Ass Friends of Music Cultural
at 21:00 Cinema Esperia "WE BELIEVE" Films of Mario Martone Admission € 5.00 (reduced)
at 22.00 " NIGHT TRICOLORE " Square Ciullo ECO Group - Rolling & Rolling -
Maestro Carlo Vaiasuso accordionist - Maestro Giuseppe Di Giovanni violinist - M ° Giovanni Pitò violinist - Maestro Vincenzo Lo Monaco pianist - vocalist Andrea Renda - Fabrizia Gioa singer - singer Regina Mirella - Francesca La Colla singer - Marianna thoughtful singer - Gaspar Schiavone singer - lead Gaspare Schiavone, and Carlo Vaiasuso
Service audio-lights E20 VI April (Sports Bar) Music "Commercial and Italian" with a rotating DJ
Service M & M audio lights service
C. I know VI April (bar Zeus) Critical Solution - The Quavers - An Is Waiting
Service audio-lights Alkaservice
22.00 Loggiato Jesuit College "Bailando Latino Ass Whisky à gogo with Caesar and Gold, Francesco Bonura and Marjory Gugino
March 17, 2011
09,00 VI Aprile - Via Crispi - Marching Band of the total premium F.sco San Paolo - "City of Alcamo"
Shepherd Street PO VI April - Piazza Ciullo
10.00 Town Hall Exhibition Banner Greeting
10:30 am St. Mary Church of Jesus Mass
Following Raise the flag at the memorial of St. Francis of Assisi Patron Saint of Italy
Ore 17.00 Piazza Ciullo Inflatable Children's Playground soap-bubble machines - Milkshake tricolor balloons Animation
Congress Centre 18.00 pm Marconi ALCAMO DIFFERENT "- 1 ª city in Sicily for collection: Award of virtuous citizens
18.30 pm Congress Centre Marconi Projection film celebrates" Unity of Italy "at 19.00
Marconi Conference Center UNIT ... MUSIC!
Exhibition of the bands recognized as municipal Ass Cielo D'Alcamo Choir Francesca Adragna Ass Jacopone Ass Mater Dei
March 16 19.00 - Gallery Course
"White Night Gallery" with Salvo and Dodo Veneziano
portraits of the author and amateur photography exhibition
FROM 16 TO 20 MARCH - Sala "Ruby"
"FORMS Color and Sicily and Italy. "Homage to the artist Enzo Di Franco beauties of Italy
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