Monday, November 10, 2008


Sunday, November 16, 2008. Third episode of Season 2008 of the Chamber Orchestra of the Concert Society of Bari

Sunday, November 16, 2008, Bari, Theatre Royal, at 18. Third episode of Stagione 2008.

Fondazione Piccinni Ballet e Orchestra da Camera della Società dei Concerti di Bari .

Programma : DONIZETTI Sinfonia per fiati in Sol minore, GOUNOD Petit Symphonie per fiati , DVORAK Serenata for wind Op. 41 .
Direttore : Riccardo CENI .

Ingresso : 15 euro, ridotto 10 euro per studenti under 25, over 60, soci COOP (una tessera dà diritto a due ingressi ridotti), accompagnatori di portatori di handicap, ingresso gratuito per i portatori di handicap.

Remember that you can
park their car in the remote surveillance of the State Railways Course in Italy [ map], near the pedestrian underpass: people do not pay on the left (area Polfer ) and payment to the right. For those who will park in this area can be accessed from the entrance to the theater rear.

In foyer of the theater are available copies of Epolis Bari Friday and Saturday.


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