Friday, January 22, 2010

Flesh Torch How Do You Like This Poem?

The Art of Happiness, Truth Seekers Conference in Naples

Conference Calendar Institute ISANapoli
The Art of Happiness
Tuesday, January 26 at 18:30 , at the library Guide Merliani will be held the meeting / conference, with input Free, where he will present some ideas on the psycho / physical / emotional modern man and the opportunity to develop other skills.
Library Guide Merliani , Merliani 118 Via Napoli

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hobo International Lauren Knock Offs

ISA MAV Ercolano

MAV Virtual Archaeological Museum at Herculaneum in via IV Novembre, 44
presents the conference of ' Association ISA Naples Institute of Learning

The Alchemist The art of inner transformation

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Polycystic Ovary Likelyhood Of Falling Pregnant

Conference: Journey to inner

Inner Journey

Conferenze Roma :
Martedì 26 Gennaio 2010
ore 21,00 presso:
Il Boschetto di Pan
via Cimarra,16a
(zona Monti)
Marted ì 26 Gennaio 2010
ore 21,00 presso:
Caffè Emporio
via Amerigo Vespucci, 22
346.2218377 - 392.5990061