councils QUESTIONS IN 8
What is the Celtic huddle Toscano?
A spontaneous group of people, whose aim is the harmonization of man and modern woman with oneself, the environment around them, the passage of time and seasons, through the rediscovery of the ancient positive traditional values European spirituality.
What job?
The main activity of the group is a celebration of traditional festivals, experienced in terms of play and the solemn / spiritual.
What happens at parties?
In councils of the party are: Laboratory Looking for a comparison, lighting of fires, toast with mead in the horn, seasonal food, music, songs and traditional dances.
The holidays are the only activities of the councils?
same parties, the secret meeting organized their own events such as hikes, lectures, concerts, workshops on personal awareness, trying to harmonize, lunar and solar holidays.
The secret meeting in his work?
organizes their own events but events and promotes opportunities for other groups, organizations and individuals, with equal purpose and confirmed in a spirit of friendship.
When was the secret meeting?
In 2006, spontaneously, by the merger of spiritual experiences of cultural Neo Celtic / Druidic Neo.
E 'Neoceltico structured as a Clan?
Not exactly, is open to welcome representatives from other Clans, Groups, Education, schools and individuals.
Unlike bonds that order established in the traditional clan, which tend to resemble to those of a royal family, the relationships are conducted in secret meeting on the pure and simple friendship understood metaphorically as a "solid but very, very long chain."
Where it operates? The operating area is the north-western Tuscany, taking advantage of the pastures when the Apuan Alps, Versilia Beach when
What does the secret meeting?
Reenactment and RPGs;
The meetings will develop rather in a "real".
Who are the promoters of the secret meeting?
Maurizio Pucci Rix, Viareggio, Class '64, a scholar and investigator of this matter.
Back from different search paths, started to organize thematic meetings since 2000.
participates in various national events as a lecturer.
in 2006 with the precious help of some friends, started to organize parties who later inspired the structure, work and the "Mission" of the councils.