Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What Does The Meaning Of Intitle

Radio # 1 SdCBA

Dopo aver condiviso con voi le 4 stagioni di Vivaldi, interpretate dall'Orchestra da Camera della Società dei Concerti di Bari, diretta dal M° Mastrangelo, siamo lieti di inserire, nella programmazione della nostra webradio , la registrazione ufficiale dell'appuntamento di apertura della stagione 2008.

Teatro Royal - Bari - 19.10.2008 .
Aurelio Schiavoni (controtenore), vincitore del Concorso di canto "Valerio Gentile" [Fasano (BR), 2007] interpreta, diretto da Ivan Repusic:
Scarlatti A. (1680-1725) - Sinfonia dall'Oratorio Caino e Abele.
Giacomelli G. (1692-1740) - Arie "Quell'usignolo" e "Sposa non mi conosci" dall'opera Merope.
Haendel G. F. (1685-1759) - Concerto Grosso in Fa + Op. 6 n. 2 Aria "Lascia che io pianga".
Leo L. (1694-1744) - Sinfonia dell'opera "La sommeglianza di chi l'ha fatta".
Vivaldi V. (1678-1741) - Mottetto - Longe mala, umbrae, terrores.

E' in preparazione la nuova rubrica del nostro canale youtube , teche del petruzzelli , with historical video clips of some performances of the Petruzzelli Orchestra in the late '80s.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Brunton Echo 440 Problems


The season is over. thank all the viewers who have enjoyed and enlivened our concerts, encouraging them to continue to visit our blog and our youtube channel to keep alive their curiosity about the Concert Society Bari, which this year has tried to spread music in Bari.

A day will post previews for the next year, as well as excerpts of audio-video di questa intensa stagione musicale. Ringraziamo la Coop , Epolis e Fax Settimanale , nostri mediapartner, Conserva , Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Puglia , Banca Popolare di Puglia e Basilicata , nostri partner, la Regione Puglia , la Provincia di Bari , la Città di Bari , la IX Circoscrizione e il MIBAC , il nostro supporto istituzionale.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bausch Lomp Softlens No Prescription

Sunday, December 7, 2008. Olek Mincer says Verdi's La Traviata at the Theatre Royal, Bari, at 18.

Domenica 30 novembre 2008, Bari, Teatro Royal, ore 18.
Ultimo episodio della Stagione 2008.

Olek Mincer says: La Traviata by Giuseppe Verdi.
Orchestra Concert Society of Bari
Leads: Giuseppe RINALDI
Performers main :
Violetta Valery : Antonella YOUTH
Alfredo Germont : Leonardo Gramegna
Giorgio Germont : Gianfranco HAT
Admission: € 15, reduced € 10 for students under 25, over 60, COOP members (a membership card entitles you to two reduced entry), carers of people with disabilities, free entrance for the physically handicapped.
Remember that you can park your car in the remote surveillance of the State Railways Course in Italy [ map], near the pedestrian underpass: unpaid jobs on the left (Polfer area) and payment to the right. For those who will park in this area can be accessed from the entrance to the theater rear.
In the foyer of the theater are available copies of Epolis Bari Friday and Saturday.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Renew Drivers Licence Ontario

Wednesday, December 3, 2008. A Bitritto (BA), L'Histoire du Soldat by Igor 'Fedorovich Stravinsky.

December 2008 Bitritto is city children. On the occasion of National Prize of Literature for Children "James Giulitta" , the Culture Department of the City think of giving them smaller theater events music and games of high thickness.

" flying towards the prize" has an opening by hosting the prestigious Chamber Orchestra Concert Society of Bari Wednesday, December 3, 2008, at 20:30 at the Church of the Purgatory to Bitritto (BA) , will be staged
Histoire du Soldat ( The story of the soldier ), Igor 'Fedorovich Stravinsky , conducted by Maestro John FUR with Olek Mincer narrator, actor Russian-known in the theatrical landscape for its co-productions with the Piccolo in Milan familiar face in film and for taking part in the cast of Gibson's The Passion.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008.
Purgatory Church.
Lion Square [map ].
Bitritto (BA).
starts at 20:30.
Free Entry.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Tater Tot Hotdish Campbell's Soup

Sunday, December 7, 2008. Last episode of Season 2008 of the Chamber Orchestra of the Concert Society of Bari

Ultimo prestigioso appuntamento, previsto per il 7 Dicembre sempre presso il teatro Royal di Bari, è una sorta di omaggio all’opera lirica italiana, un omaggio rivolto evidentemente ai numerosi melomani baresi, ma che intende anche essere un augurio da parte dell’Associazione “Società dei Concerti di Bari” affinché il tempio del melodramma barese, il Politeama Petruzzelli, si riapra al più presto . Il concerto lirico, denominato “ Olek Mincer racconta…La Traviata di G. Verdi ”, è una attenta rivisitazione del capolavoro verdiano raccontata dal noto actor Olek Mincer on texts of the writer and soprano Maria Grazia Pani Bari.

Valery Violetta, La Traviata, is one of the most complex and articulated throughout the nineteenth-century opera, a revolutionary figure because of its unusual theme, the beautiful and lively girl who can not redeem himself from his mistakes but is subject the strict rules of bourgeois, those represented dall'impassibile Germont, Alfredo's father, the rules require a player who leads out an urgent moral norms only through the sacrifice of redemption. The ill-fated courtesan, who out of love takes away a cross and is annihilated by accepting the "healthy" laws of the bourgeois family, giving up a love finally found, is an expression of a social world that Green identifies as governed by the injustice of men, a fact hypocritical and unable to assess the most basic emotions, including love, revitalizing power , mystery, mixed blessing of the human soul.

The Paris represented mid-century Paris is the capital of the great European world, sparkling in its parties and its fun, after all, there is so much music in Traviata worldly, bright, dance and society , the music that Verdi was easy to compose popular due to his temperament and his past as a manager band. But what a contrast with the drama of Valery and especially with the immense musical emotionalism that characterizes his figure, his love theme, that 'Amami Alfredo "present" Prelude "and since that still arouses so much emotion, is a fundamental reason, of all structural work. The musical direction is entrusted to John Rinaldi . Main actors are Cristina Giannelli, Leonardo Gramegna and Gianfranco Hairy .

Francis Scoditti

Sunday, November 30, 2008. Theatre Royal, Bari
Start: 18.00
Info tel: 0805211688, 0804768155
Tickets: Full € 15, € 10 for students under 25, over 60, Coop (a card is valid for 2 inputs), carers of the disabled, students and teachers of € 5 Conservatory, free with disabilities. Tickets on sale at the box office and at the Theatre Royal Box Office Feltrinelli.